Federal charges are filed when a crime is made illegal by U.S. federal legislation or one that is committed on U.S. federal property or on an Indian reservation. While the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) is entrusted to investigate suspected federal crimes, official charges are filed by the U.S. Attorney, and the prosecution takes place in a federal district court.

In the state of North Carolina, there are three federal district courts that hear criminal cases, and they include the:

  • Eastern Federal District Court
  • Middle Federal District Court
  • Western Federal District Court

A punishment associated with a conviction of a federal crime will vary according to the nature of the case, and other factors such as whether the defendant has a criminal record. In many cases, however, a sentence will include jail time in a federal prison, as well as permanent marks on a criminal record, expensive restitution fines and the possible loss of career and intimate personal relationships. In the worst cases, federal convictions can result in a death penalty sentence.

Let Us Help You

For the best chances of making it through the federal legal system as efficiently and successfully as possible, it's essential that the accused work with an experienced criminal defense attorney who has intimate knowledge and experience handling federal cases.

Raleigh criminal lawyer Curtis High has been handling complicated criminal cases for almost 20 years. He is committed to:

  • building personalized, professional relationships with each client in order to better serve his or her needs
  • compiling all evidence that supports a client's defense case
  • ardently presenting the defense case in any necessary legal proceeding
  • working round-the-clock to get the federal charges against his clients lessened, if not dropped altogether

Types of Federal Charges

The following are examples of some of the various charges that are classified as federal crimes:

  • assassination of the U.S. President or Vice President
  • counterfeiting
  • damaging or destroying a mailbox
  • immigration violations
  • kidnapping
  • mail fraud
  • possession of banned weapons
  • tax evasion
  • theft of major artwork from a museum

If you are facing a federal charge, of any type, you can turn to the experienced Wake County federal lawyer, Curtis High. To learn more, schedule a consultation today.