Robbery is a general charge that is brought up against individuals who are suspected of purposefully taking the property of another party by means of force or violence. The use of violence classifies robbery as a violent crime, rather than a property crime, and consequently tends to carry more severe consequences. Depending on the facts associated with a specific robbery case, the accused may be charged with:
- Aggravated robbery, the purposeful act of taking another party's property with the use of a deadly weapon or an object that appears to be deadly
- Armed robbery, the purposeful act of taking another party's property with a weapon
- Carjacking, the purposeful act of forcefully taking another party's vehicle
- Extortion, the purposeful act of threatening to perform (or to not perform) an illegal activity in exchange for a certain good (extortion generally involves verbal threats, rather than physical force)
- Highway robbery, the purposeful act of forcefully taking another party's property in a public place or outside
The circumstances surrounding the offense as well as the individual's criminal record will dictate the stipulations of his or her sentence, should (s)he be convicted. In the most serious cases, robbery charges can result in lifetime prison sentences and devastating fines in the North Carolina. Additionally, convicts may face intangible punishments such as loss of close relationships and humiliation.
Standing Up Against Robbery Charges
Anyone facing robbery charges should be aware of his or her legal rights and should secure the services of a skilled and experienced Raleigh criminal defense attorney. If you or a loved one is accused of robbery in Wake County or anywhere in North Carolina, contact Curtis R. High, Attorney at Law for legal representation.
He will work on your behalf from the very first meeting and will provide the dedicated representation you need.